Word from the Chairman

Word from the Chairman, Christie Cherian

Greetings to all visitors to BBG Chennai !

We have been as active as ever – following our return from IFB2016 in Liverpool with 14 of our members taking part, we are working on plans for revival of BBG in Hyderabad. Our Committee Member, Prakash Challa operating both in Chennai and Hyderabad is making this possible and a meeting in October 2016 will take place there.

Our monthly meeting in July took place a month after Brexit, so covered this water-shed event that will make huge changes both in UK and in EU with all the fall-out and negativity (though things have not turned out as worse as projected).

Our August meeting had our Patron,Bharat Joshi, Deputy High Commissioner briefing members on Brexit as well as changes in Government, necessitated by this event. A new Ministry has been created to deal with EU negotiations and a new Department of International Trade (DIT) set-up into which UKTI has moved. Also major Tech-Summit planned in Delhi 7-11 September 2016.

We have plans to continue our Green agenda with Joss Brooks of Auroville growing more trees and a Sunday Walk in our very old business district of Georgetown (in Chennai’s 377th year).

Also for interest of visitors to our web-site, this site is under a big refresh in the next few weeks when we expect a brighter new look to present BBG Chennai. Thank you for your visit!