BBG Chennai Trade/ Business Mission to UK: “Opportunity South India”

Earlier in the year, David Cameron’s (Prime Minister of UK) called for increased trade between UK & India and this raised a whole wade of activity during Jan / Feb 2013 including visits by UKTI London and UKIBC, London. A major meeting was held in Delhi and the UK Government committed a budget of Pds 8 million over 5 years in support. UKIBC India has now established and will have new British Business Centres in Gurgaon / Delhi /Mumbai

For our part, BBG Chennai decided to make an independent foray taking a trade/ business delegation into the UK 24/28 June 13. This took place with 13 members participating at opening seminar at UKTI, London. Breakout teams went to Bristol / Belfast and Basildon. Though not any big splash, we achieved modest takeaways with 2 or 3 delegations coming here/ 3 to 4 proposals being worked and individual members getting business done. We plan this to be an annual exercise.